You can show your financial support of the American Legion Band of Greater Kansas City through a charitable donation. The Band thanks the following for their financial support:
The Estate of Clyde Rayburn
William “Buck” Buchannan
Val and Lynn Garrison
Jean and Rob Gaslin
The American Legion Band of Greater Kansas City is also supported in part by a grant from IBM and by the Dwight Cowles American Legion Post 370 of Overland Park, KS. Shawnee Copy Center provides printing and copying services to the band.

Post 370
The American Legion Band of Greater Kansas City has maintained a long-standing tradition that has all but disappeared from most U.S. metropolitan areas. At one time, cities across the nation sponsored and supported “Legion Bands,” each active in civic and American Legion-sponsored performances and contests.
Our cadre of 50+ volunteer amateur- and professional-caliber musicians from throughout the Kansas City region, with many sons and daughters of veterans and American Legion members in the ranks, contribute personal funds for the privilege of playing in the Band and participation in national events. It is, in fact, the only marching/concert American Legion band still active in Kansas or Missouri.
Over the years the economics of maintaining a viable organization such as ours has forced many bands out of existence. We are proud to say that, through perseverance, dedication, and the sacrifice of individual members, the American Legion Band of Greater Kansas City continues to honor veterans of all wars, represent our metropolitan area, and preserve a unique form of musical expression. We are anxious to continue our successful endeavors despite the budgetary limitations that make our Band an endangered species in the American musical landscape.
The organization is reviewed annually by the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation. View the complete profile.
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